Tag Archives: Catholic church

A Gringo Guide to the Cristero Rebellion

19 Jul
"A Gringo Guide to the Cristero Rebellion" Download Your copy on Amazon.com; Barnes and Noble.com; Kobo.com; and on Google Play. Search William J. Conaway.

“A Gringo Guide to the Cristero Rebellion” Download Your copy on Amazon.com; Barnes and Noble.com; Kobo.com; and on Google Play. Search William J. Conaway.

A Gringo Guide to the Cristero Rebellion – A twenty-eight page book with the complete forgotten history of the Rebellion against the Calles Administration 1926-1930 in which the Pope closed the Mexican churches, and the government waged modern warfare against their own people over religious differences. hundreds of thousands of people died and a half million people migrated to the U.S. GG-106 $14.50 Plus $6.95 Shipping and Handling. Order by email: wjconaway@yahoo.com, or download from Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble.com for a considerable discount.

A Gringo Guide to the Cristero Rebellion

3 May
Download Your copy on Amazon.com; Barnes and Noble.com; Kobo.com; and soon on Google Play. Search William J. Conaway.

Download Your copy on Amazon.com; Barnes and Noble.com; Kobo.com; and soon on Google Play. Search William J. Conaway.

A Gringo Guide to the Cristero Rebellion – A book with the complete, forgotten history of the Rebellion against the Calles Administration 1926-1930 in which the Pope closed the Mexican churches, and the government waged modern warfare against their own people over religious differences. hundreds of thousands of people died and a half million people migrated to the U.S.